How to Contribute and Volunteer


How You Can Make a Contribution
or Join the Volunteers

          We Need Your Help! If you would like to write an article or share your stories, we'd love to hear from you. Also, if you have access to any photos or other resources and would be willing to have them copied, please contact us

Some Ideas

1.  Post your deeds, wills, obituaries, etc., to the Boundary County site. If you have any transcribed deeds or other records relating to your family, you can send them to us as regular text files, or just copy and paste to an e-mail. Or if you have them on your personal web page, we would like to link to them from this page.

2.  "Adopt" a Town or Topic.    Our goal is to expand the available online history of Boundary County.  You can either develop a web page of your own, which would be linked from the main site, or you can compile the information as you'd like it presented, and copy and pasted it on an e-mail to us.  You would be credited as the contributor or "coordinator" of that particular project.
Here are some ideas for special projects, but you may have an idea of your own:

                                                 Town / Community History
                                                 Native American History/Genealogy
                                                 Other Ethnic or Religious Group
                                                 School or Church History or Roster
                                                 Industry or Business
                                                 Historic Site
                                                 Other Ideas???

3.  History or Family Association Web Page.  If you have your own genealogy web page, especially one with historical information or a single surname site, please be sure to let us know!   History pages and Family Associations or Single Name sites will also be listed on the Research page as well as in the Surname Registry.  If you find a Boundary County site that should be listed, please let us know!

4.  Old Photographs of Places, Towns, or Groups.    Do you have a scanner?   If you have access to any old photographs or postcards depicting town or county scenes, please consider scanning and contributing the images. Everyone would enjoy your photos!

5.  Transcribe newspaper articles, portions of books, diaries, letters, or town records.   If you have possession of anything like this, or if you'd be willing to visit the public research library or LDS center, anything of general interest would be most welcome!   Please quote your source and be sensitive to family privacy issues.


You do NOT have to know HTML to transcribe documents!  If you would like to transcribe vital records, cemetery transcriptions, old diaries or letters, or old histories of Boundary County, as long as it is not under copyright, GO FOR IT!  Contact us, we convert most any format to an html document, or just type it in an e-mail message. 

Do you have any more ideas?! 

Please Contact Us! 



::  Page Created - June 2018  ::