School Newspaper Articles, 1920's

Newspaper Articles, 1920's

Bonners Ferry Herald April 1923

Northside Honor Roll, Bonners Ferry, ID
Pine Grove School
First Grade: Mable Shively, Herold Tibbs, Doretha Kuntz, Roy Meeker, Arnold Chandler, Henry Castle
Second Grade: Russel Peelman, Thelma Coulson, Helen Hubbard, Luella Luse, Kenneth King, Edna Sugden, Mary Mann, Floris Purdy, Marjory Goodman
Third & Fourth Grades: Wilma Tibbs, Lucile Myers, Don Howe, Theodore Wells, Fordice Walter, Pauline Badden, Harold Sugden, Hollice Aldridge
No Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade: Cleda Skeels, Kenneth Luse, Gordon Smith, Gladys Walter, Edna Jones
Seventh Grade: Adelaide Leslie, Leone Walter
Eighth Grade: William Kuntz, Margaret Rosebaugh, Vera Osborn, Ford Osborn, Irma Doty

Bonners Ferry Herald, Bonners Ferry, Idaho, 24 May 1923

Eighth Grade Exams Finished

Mrs. C. W. Flood, county superintendent, assisted by Mrs. Inez Cave, last week finished the eighth grade examination papers. Mrs. Flood says 42 candidates were successful in passing the examinations with a satisfactory grade and have been issued diplomas that will admit them to any high school in the state.

The highest average in the county were made by Robert Seaton, Moravia, Miss Mildred Reid, teacher and Joseph Lancaster, Klockman, Malcolm Epley, teacher, each of whom had an average of 96 per cent in all subjects.

The second highest averages were made by Pearl Holt of the Copeland school and Margaret Rosebaugh of the Northside school who had averages of 95 per cent.

The following had averages of 90 per cent or over and hence are honor graduates: Dorothy Huffman, Addie; Ella Lela Davis, McArthur; Earl Nims, Myrtle Peterson, Beda Turner, McRae school; Jean Lewis, Carrie Mellor, Minot Peckenbaugh, Eastport; Lois Bowlsby, Porthill; James Hershman, Bonners Ferry; Mildred Edwards, Pearl Holt, Tina Holt, Copeland; Ellena Dunning, William Kunz, Ford Osborn, Vera Osborn, Margaret Rosebaugh, Jerry Welch, Northside; Rasmus Brooks, Robert Seaton, Moravia; Ida Babb, Charles Dutton, Velva Sprague, Eloise Yeager, Naples; Harold Eubanks, Edward Montgomery, Clifford Van Etten, Lois Kavern, joseph Lancaster, Porthill.

The following perfect papers were written: Mildren Edwards and Tina Holt, 100 per cent in spelling; Ella Davis 100 per cent in geography; Joseph Lancaster 100 per cent in phsiology; Earl Nims, Mildred Edwards, Ford Osborn, Ida Babb, Charles Dutton, Velva Sprague, Eloise Yaeger, Edward Montgomery, Clifford Van Etten, Joseph Lancaster, 100 per cent in Arithmetic.

Following is a complete list of the graduates from the eighth grade of the county schools, exclusive of Independent school district No. 4:
District No. 1 McArthur, Ella Lela Davis.
District No. 2 McRae school, Earl Nims, Myrtle Peterson, Doris Turner, Veda Turner.
District No. 3 Curley Creek school, R..ce Woodward. (Blotch on paper)
District No. 5 Addie school, Dorothy Huffman.
District No. 6 Eastport school, Jean Lewis, Carrie Mellor, Minot Peckenbaugh.
District No. 9 Porthill, Edison school, Lois Bowlsby.
District No. 11 Bonners Ferry, Sheridan school, James Hershman.
District No. 12 Copeland school, Mildred Edwards, Thomas Fenwick, Pearl Holt, Tina Holt.
District No. 14 Pine Grove, Northside, Nellie Adrich, Lester Badden, Irma Doty, Ellena Dunning, William Kunz, Ward La Favor, Percy Mann, George Meyers, Ford Osborn, Vera Osborn, Margaret Rosebaugh, Naomi Walter, Orin Walter, Jerry Welch.
District No. 15 Moravia school, Rasmus Brooks, John Conway, Robert Seaton.
District No. 22 Naples school, Ida Babb, Charles Dutton, Velva Sprague, Eloise Yaeger.
District No. 23 Porthill, Roosevelt and Klockmann schools, Harold Eubanks, Edward Motgomery, Clifford Van Etten, Lois Kavern, Joseph Lancaster.

Bonners Ferry Herald, Bonners Ferry, Idaho. 23 Aug 1928

School To Open on September 4
Many Improvements Made To School Buildings This Summer

M. D. Pace, city superintendent of schools, returned to Bonners Ferry yesterday after having spent the summer taking work in educational administration in Teachers' College, Columbia University, New York City.

Mr. Pace is now taking up work incident to the opening of school here on Tuesday, September 4. During the summer vacation many improvements have been effected and all of the buildings thoroughly cleaned. The brick grade school building has been kalsomined and painted. Among the improvements are new wardrobe hangers, an iron railing to protect the lawn, and the blinds have been refinished. Other things have been done to give the boys and girls of Bonners Ferry a more cheerful, a more healthful and a better school than they have ever had before.

In the high school building, the assembly has been given a coat of paint. Improvements to the grounds are noticeable in a finer lawn and a good growth to the shrubbery.

As the opening of school approaches attention is again called to the large number of high school students from the common school districts who will want places to stay while attending school. Those who can take a boy or a girl for the school year are asked to communicate with Mr. Pace. He can be reached over the phone, either at his home or at the high school.

"Let us make an effort to see that no boy or girl in Boundary county is deprived of the privilege of attending high school because he or she cannot affort to pay the cost of board and room while at school," said Mr. Pace last night. "Each year more high school students are asking for help in finding places where they can earn all or a part of their expenses while attending school. The number this year will no doubt exceed that of last year."

Through resignations and cancelled contracts the list of teachers as published in the Herald in May has undergone a few changes. The teaching staff for the city schools will be as follows:

Maurice D. Pace, superintendent.
Clarence Fitzgerald, high school principal and History.
Ethel Skirls, English, Latin, and Physical Education.
Jane Beachell, commercial.
Burnice Weom, Science and French.
Leva J. Snell of Albany, Ore., home economics.
Donald Potter of Spokane, English and public speaking.
Karl Gallagher of Malta, Mont., mathematics.
Mary Anderson Sturm of Minneapolis, music and art.
Ray C. Johnson of Manhattan, Mont., manual training and athletics.
Chas. H. Bond, grade principal.
Marian Casey of Rathdrum, departmental.
Jane Stenson of Forest River, N. Dak., departmental.
Marie Lynch of Bonners Ferry, fifth grade.
Leona Whilt of Eureka, Mont., fourth grade.
Thelma Myers of Wallowa, Ore., third grade.
Winnifred Plato, second grade.
Adah Plato, primary.
Dorothy Black of Sandpoint, primary.


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