School Newspaper Articles, 1910's

Newspaper Articles, 1910's

Bonners Ferry Herald, Bonners Ferry, Idaho, 28 Jan 1911


High School Notes

Bonners Ferry Herald, Bonners Ferry, Idaho
28 Jan 1911

Alwilda Remer and Gladys Rowell were absent half days this week.

Tuesday morning a number of tenth grade pupils read incidents of National current interest.

Wednesday the tenth and eleventh grades had a record breaking lesson in Geometry.

Miss Middough read an interesting article on "Radium" the first of the week.

A test in Midieval and Modern History will be taken Friday by the tenth grade.

The lower hall of the school is being carefully guarded by sentries to exterminate all loiterers.

Professor Riordan called the boys of the seventh and eith grade and those of the high school into his office Monday evening for the purpose of organizing an athletic club. Their first meeting took place Tuesday evening in the Ianetook hall where they will meet twice a week. The boys thoroughly enjoyed themselves on this occasion. The boys are very grateful to Mr. Riordan for starting this club, not only for the physical culture obtained but also for the recreation.

The attendance of pupils in Miss Bryants room has been quite irregular this week on account of sickness.

The six weeks of office for the editor in chief and assistants comes to a close this week. We have found it a pleasant position and hope the future editor and assistants will find it the same. Editor in Chief, Fred Stoos; assistants, Fern Collins, and Stella Stoos.


Bonners Ferry Herald, Bonners Ferry, Idaho, 11 Feb 1911


Teachers Hold Big Gathering

Very Interesting and Instructive Papers

Were Read by the Teachers

Musical Program Rendered
The Little Children Took Part and They Did Fine

Bonners Ferry Herald, Bonners Ferry, Idaho
11 Feb 1911


A meeting of the teachers of this section of Bonner county was held in the high school room last Saturday. Supt. Riodan of the city schools presided. Miss Moore of the fifth grade read a paper on the teaching of English in the intermediate grades. The paper was well prepared and demonstrated her ability to teach the subject in hand as well as the power to make valuable suggestions as to its teaching. Miss Middough of the high school faculty made a strong plea for Latin, showing it to be essential to good culture and even more practical value than is the German to the up-building of a good English education. Mrs. Norton gave a class demonstration in "Devices for Quick Reading" -- a number well rendered and thoroughly enjoyed.

Supt. H. F. Irion gave a talk on the unfounded prejudices too often entertained by people against their own school. Mr. Irion made a plea that patrons visit the school before rendering adverse judgments founded on hearsay and fragmentary reports. Mrs. Irion, Supt. of Bonner county, talked briefly, giving suggestions on purchasing of books and information relative to the 8th grade and teacher examinations, Supt. Riodan spoke briefly on the "Three Great Affirmatives, - I am, I can and I will." Calling attention to the imperative essentiality of development in the pupil of the quality for which each affirmative stands.

The following musical program preceded the discussions:
Piano Solo.....Vivian Hollinger
Vocal Solo.....Georgia Loughney
Piano Solo.....Gladys Rowell

The following little people performed:
Recitation.....Dorothy Ludington
Vocal Duet.....Phyllis and Helen Hollinger
Vocal Duet.....Leroy and Mabel Palmer

The performances of all the little people were highly appreciated, but the impersonation and dancing of Leroy and Mabel Palmer were exceptionally well carried out, and elicited much applause.




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